With the 52 week challenge, you will be able to achieve your financial goals safely and conveniently, from anywhere, anytime: The 52-Week Challenge is a commitment you make to yourself to build the habit of saving money. Over 52 weeks, that is, a year, you save a little money every week. You can start with as little as $ 1. The important thing is to start. In its original format, the challenge is to save the amount equivalent to the weeks number. Thus, in week 1 you would save R $ 1; in week 2, R $ 2; and so on until it reaches R $ 52 in the last week of the year. At the end of the year, you would have accumulated the equivalent of R $ 1,378 (considering that the money will not be invested in any investment). The start is easy! Then it gets more challenging, as the amount you must save will gradually increase over the weeks. The idea is that, when the most difficult period arrives, saving will have already become a solid habit, so it wouldnt be that hard!The apps features include:- Add several challenges, with value and start date, leaving with the app the responsibility to manage all dates and values from there;- Monitor the challenges created over the weeks and control deposits;- Weekly notifications as a reminder for deposits.